Hey, It’s Stacey

Welcome to Life in the Snug, a place I created to share where to go, and what to do once you get there.

You may be wondering what qualifications I have to offer this advice?

The short answer is: NONE.

Okay, well…some.

About me photo (messy hair included)
My hair just never looks good.
Let’s get that out of the way right now.

Here’s the long answer: I am not a professional traveler, nor have I abandoned a career (yet) to travel the world full time. (I am insanely jealous of those who can figure that part out, by the way) but alas, I am more “adventurous tourist” than anything else. 

But I’ve been some places and done some things, and made it happen regardless of limited time, experience, and funds. In short,

I’m you. So, let’s go.


On the bike tour / beer tour / food tour / literary tour / haunted stroll / pub-crawl / walking tour / street art tour / history tour / rail tour / river tour.

To Europe. To Canada. To New York City. Across the street.

An hour, overnight, a day away. We can fly, or drive, or cycle, or walk, or paddle.

Schlern , mountain of the Dolomites in South Tyrol, Italy.
Life is short and the world is a big place. Like, capital letters: BIG PLACE.

To the mountains. To the brewery. To Disney. To the beach. To the museum. To the weird roadside attraction.

Wait, I need to take a breath.

Now, let’s go— camping-skiing-cycling-kayaking-hiking-shopping-to the theater-to the movies-running. 

(‘Kay, maybe not running.  I’m still not very good at that)—

Sorry, stream of consciousness acting up again. But seriously, let’s go.

Traveling. Exploring. Discovering.


I’m you, but—possibly unlike you— I have a passion for organizing, planning, and research.

(Type-A, at your service). As cool as that makes me sound, I am proud to have achieved Jedi-level executive functioning.

Mostly because I want to do all the things.


Thus, a solid plan is requisite.

The World's Tallest Filing Cabinet in Burlington, Vermont
World’s Tallest Filing Cabinet.
That’s what it can feel like to plan a trip.


I want to see and do absolutely everything. You know that game? “If someone offered you a free ticket to—(insert random place most people would never dream of visiting)— would you go?”

The answer is never no.

(I’m convinced that wanderlust is an actual affliction, and while I am definitely infected, I am resisting a cure).

Jökulsárlón. $500 bucks if you can spell it right the first time
Paddling in the Everglades
Pretty sure I’m about to be eaten by an alligator. Or a manatee.

To experience absolutely everything, I learned (really, I am still learning) to maximize whatever time I have to explore: a 24-hour layover, a weekend, 2-week vacation— whatever. Let me share some of those engineered and well-orchestrated thoughts with you— my infinitely more calm Type-B brethren.


I hope you will find the inspiration to join me in the snug and plan your own adventures— big and small— and learn from my fumbling foibles along the way.  Inside my life is a strange space to be sure, but I promise some adventure and, more likely, misadventure along the way.

Geographic Center of North America monumnet
The “probably-not-but-let’s-mark-it-anyway” Geographic Center of the continent
World's largets rubber duck
We’re going to need a bigger duck.
Burial Brewing Wall Mural
Tom Selleck and Sloth would totally be friends.

It might be educational. It will definitely be weird. It won’t be boring. It won’t be low calorie, or lazy, or even relaxing (much). 

But it will all be fun.

And we will see ALL THE THINGS.

Let’s go.